1. Original parts
2. Good quality
3. Quick quotation
4. Reasonable price
5. Best service
Terex Powerscreen Impactor Crushers Wear Parts Blow Bars
-Metrotrak HA
-Premiertrak 300
-Premiertrak 400X/R400X·Premiertrak 400X Post-screen-Powerscreen Premiertrak 600 / 600E
-1000 Maxtrak
· 1000SR·1150 Maxtrak
·1150 Maxtrak Pre-Screen·1300 Maxtrak
1400 Maxtrak·1500 Maxtrak
Trakpactor 260
Trakpactor 260SRTrakpactor 320Trakpactor 320SR·Trakpactor 550·Trakpactor 500SR
Powerscreen supplies a complete range of genuine crushingand screening spare parts that
are designed specificallyfor use in Powerscreen R equipment.
Using genuinePowerscreen R parts is proven to enhance performanceand reliability, helping maximise machine uptime.
Full range of OEM parts
Using genuine Powerscreen R replacement parts will help you maintain the smooth,
productiveand efficient operation that your machine was designed to deliver.
Powerscreen offers a completerange of genuine replacement parts that are competitively priced,
of the highest quality anddesigned specifically for use in PowerscreenRcrushing and screening equipment.
Access to genuine Powerscreen R parts has never been easier, with each of the dealers in theGlobal Dealer Network holding a wide range of parts specifically tailored to local requirements.Any part not immediately available can be ordered by your local dealer from our Parts Centres inlreland, the USA and India.
- Only Powerscreen wear parts are createdspecifically for Powerscreen machines
basedupon many years of application knowledgeand experience
-All original Powerscreen wear parts undergocontinuous market comparisons
to ensurethat they offer the customer the mostcost-effective, quality wear parts available
- All original Powerscreen wear parts are
specifically for Powerscreen machines based
subject to continuous development and
upon many years of application knowledge
extensive field-testing
- Powerscreen undertake research in the latestdevelopments in crushing and
screeningtechnology to ensure that Powers creen wearparts are always at the leading edge
- Even the slightest change in wear part designmay result in drastic changes to the shapeand quality of product
- Only approved Powerscreen dealers have thefull technical support service for advice andexpertise on application suitability
- Any deviation from authentic Powers creenwear part design in either material ordimensional specification, can result inserious damage to the machine
- Only the use of Powerscreen wear partsensures full warranty cover.