1. Original parts
2. Good quality
3. Quick quotation
4. Reasonable price
5. Best service
Terex Crusher Powerscreen Jaw Crushers Wear Parts Supertooth Standard Tooth Multitooth Quarrytooth
Jaw ProfilesSupertooth
This profile is fitted as standard across the Powerscreen jaw crusher range.Super tooth is suitable for all quarrying and most recycling applications andoffers excellent wear life through enhanced profile jaw teeth without
compromising strength or product shape.
Standard Tooth
Suitable for most quarry and recycling and excels in applications where highrebar content is a factor.
The industry choice for many recycling applications. The "sharper" profile makesthe Multitooth ideal for most recycling applications, particularly those involvingconcrete. lt is also more tolerant when recycling asphalt
Quarry Tooth
This Jaw is for use in hard rock and high abrasion applications. lt has increasedwear life due to a deeper and wider tooth profile. lt is also a good jaw plate forriver gravel applications.
-Metrotrak HA
-Premiertrak 300
-Premiertrak 400X/R400X·Premiertrak 400X Post-screen-Powerscreen Premiertrak 600 / 600E
-1000 Maxtrak
· 1000SR·1150 Maxtrak
·1150 Maxtrak Pre-Screen·1300 Maxtrak
1400 Maxtrak·1500 Maxtrak
Trakpactor 260
Trakpactor 260SRTrakpactor 320Trakpactor 320SR·Trakpactor 550·Trakpactor 500SR
Powerscreen supplies a complete range of genuine crushingand screening spare parts that
are designed specificallyfor use in Powerscreen R equipment.
Using genuinePowerscreen R parts is proven to enhance performanceand reliability, helping maximise machine uptime.
Full range of OEM parts
Using genuine Powerscreen R replacement parts will help you maintain the smooth,
productiveand efficient operation that your machine was designed to deliver.
Powerscreen offers a completerange of genuine replacement parts that are competitively priced,
of the highest quality anddesigned specifically for use in PowerscreenRcrushing and screening equipment.
Access to genuine Powerscreen R parts has never been easier, with each of the dealers in theGlobal Dealer Network holding a wide range of parts specifically tailored to local requirements.Any part not immediately available can be ordered by your local dealer from our Parts Centres inlreland, the USA and India.
- Only Powerscreen wear parts are createdspecifically for Powerscreen machines
basedupon many years of application knowledgeand experience
-All original Powerscreen wear parts undergocontinuous market comparisons
to ensurethat they offer the customer the mostcost-effective, quality wear parts available
- All original Powerscreen wear parts are
specifically for Powerscreen machines based
subject to continuous development and
upon many years of application knowledge
extensive field-testing
- Powerscreen undertake research in the latestdevelopments in crushing and
screeningtechnology to ensure that Powers creen wearparts are always at the leading edge
- Even the slightest change in wear part designmay result in drastic changes to the shapeand quality of product
- Only approved Powerscreen dealers have thefull technical support service for advice andexpertise on application suitability
- Any deviation from authentic Powers creenwear part design in either material ordimensional specification, can result inserious damage to the machine
- Only the use of Powerscreen wear partsensures full warranty cover.